Kamis, 19 Mei 2016

Tugas bahasa inggris 2

Nama : Dian Harristianingsih
NPM : 22213366
Kelas : 3EB16

What couldn’t you do when you were a child that you can do now?

There so many things that I couldn’t do when I was child but I can do now, for example when I was an adult I can make friendship and playing with people out there not just in the family and home environment. I can travel and hangout wherever I want with my friend, not like a child every trip or holiday I definitely that’s must be with my family. I was spending more time outside the home because of all the activities that I do now is not only at home anymore. And actually I more be happy with my childhood than now, because there’s not a burden or a problem and everything I do it’s simple. The activity my childhood is was spent time by playing with my friends didn’t know the time, but now me and my friends have been busy with individual activities and sometimes I miss that time.

In order to have a healthier life what should you do less or more?
To have a healthy life there are several ways to get it. Includes the following to get a better quality of life:

  • Sleep enough
Lack of sleep makes you feel tired and angry, you can’t concentrate your attention. Lack of sleep can damage your physical health (especially heart) as well. Some studies have shown that 8 hours of sleep per 24-hour period is the average requirement for adults.

  • Drink a glass of water in the morning
Wake up in the morning and drink one glass of room temperature water first off. You can put a slice of lemon or lime in the water, if don’t like it’s natural taste. Water helps to clear our system, bring on metabolism rate and flush out the toxins. Some people even say, that it helps to reduce weight.

  • Stretch in the morning
Instead of snoozing in the morning, you can use your time more wisely. Stretch your back, your legs, your neck. It will wake your body from sleep. Stretching in the morning increases blood flow to your muscles providing an extra shot of oxygen preparing them for a new day.

  • Drink plenty of water
Water is the best of any drink. Get used to drink 8-10 glasses of water per day. These habits will helps maintain the smooth functioning of the kodneys and urinary tract. Strive to drink warm water at night and cool water (not ice water) during the day.

  • Love your life
Relax! Don’t get nervous and angry because of the trivial things. Don’t be too serious. Smile, love others, and always look on the bright side of life.

List some of the things you must and mustn’t do in your classroom.

There’s something you must do when we are in the classroom for example is :
  • You must listen to what is explained by the teacher
  • You must pay attention to lessons
  • You must be active in class
  • You must maintain order in the classroom
  • You must maintain the cleanliness class
There’s also something we mustn’t do in your classroom for example is :
  • You mustn’t noisy in the class
  • You mustn’t sleep when the teacher explain
  • You mustn’t throw trash in the classroom
  • You mustn’t come late
  • You mustn’t ruin the school facilities